Much of the information in that book is now out of date. 那本书的材料中有许多现在已经过时。
This book is too out? of? date! 这本书太过时了!
However, the API for Eclipse has not changed greatly, and the errata section on the book's Web site will bring you up to date. 然而,对于Eclipse的API没有很大改变,并且本书的Web站点上的勘误部分将带给您最新内容。
This book is the best compendium to date of proven techniques for developing high-quality enterprise IT systems that are based on the Java programming language and J2EE platform. 本书很好的说明了开发一个基于Java程序语言和J2EE平台的高质量企业IT系统的纲要。
But now the 88-year-old has revealed that she will publish a second novel this summer, which she technically wrote before To Kill a Mockingbird and which even inspired her only book to date. 而现已88岁的她最近表示今年夏天要发表第二部小说,即将出版的第二部小说实际上写于《杀死一只知更鸟》之前,且为这部名作的书写提供了不少灵感。
As every author knows, writing a book is the easy part these days. Its when the publication date looms that we have to roll up our sleeves and tackle the real literary labor: rabid self-promotion. 正如每位作家都知道的,现如今,写书本身并不是件难事,倒是临近出版之前,我们才需要打起精神、全力以赴地应对真正的文字工作,即疯狂的自我宣传。
Under new airline policies that reward travelers based on fares, not distance, fliers have incentive to book expensive tickets close to the departure date rather than plan ahead with cheaper advance-purchase itineraries. 一些航空公司采取了根据票价而不是距离来奖励乘客的新政策,这些政策或促使旅行者临行前才订购价格昂贵的机票,而不是提前安排行程,预订优惠机票。
The book's advice on how to nip to the loo without alerting your date that you have any unsavoury biological requirements, is convoluted to say the least. 这本书提出的建议至少是很复杂的,它主要针对约会时如何不受上厕所等令人讨厌的生理需求的影响。
The book has been revised and brought up to date. Be responsible for updating HSSE website. 那本书已经过修订并且更新了内容。负责部门网站内容的维护和更新。
The library book is stamped with the date by which it must be returned. 图书馆的书盖了日期,按此日期还书。
Do you believe that I thought someone else was going to have to take the rap for me? to select and book on my behalf the date and time of cremation for the deceased mentioned in Section B at your crematorium. 你真以为我想过让别人代我受罚吗?代本人选择及预订火葬日期及时间,以便为在乙部所填写之先人在贵署火葬场进行火化。
On the FOB basis, the Buyer shall book shipping space in accordance with the date of shipment specified in the Contract. 在FOB条件下,由买方负责按照合同规定的装运日期洽定舱位。
A suitable room, book, proposal, date 合适的房间、书、建议、日期
That book has already begun to date. 那本书已经过时了。
The book has revised and brought up to date. 这本书已经修订并使其内容更新。
After the parallel gateway two additional tasks are executed that ship the book to the customer and inform the customer about the arrival date before the process is completed by an end event. 在两个额外任务的并行网关执行之后,在通过一个结束事件完成流程之前,把书籍发送给客户,并通知客户到货的日期。
Please do not forget to return the book to the library by the due date. 请别忘了按期还书给图书馆。
The book has to bethe right volumeand the rightpublication date. 书的出版日期和名称必须是正确的。
If a person wishes to claim an article of lost property, he must sign the Lost and Found Book in the "signature of claimant" column, also stating the date. 如果有人申领遗失物品,必须在遗留物品本上“申领人”栏里签名和日期。
It has rapidly grown to become one of the largest shipyards in the world, and today has 84 vessels worth$ 6bn in its order book& three times the number of vessels the company has delivered to date, according to a statement. 该公司近年增长迅速,成为世界最大船厂之一。据一份声明称,目前拥有84艘船舶的订单(相当于该公司迄今交付的船舶数量的三倍),价值60亿美元。
To select and book on my behalf the date and time of cremation for the deceased mentioned in Section B at your crematorium. 代本人选择及预订火葬日期及时间,以便为在乙部所填写之先人在贵署火葬场进行火化。
HINT: You can also choose a name from Address Book to automatically enter information. automated marine date logger 提示:您也可以从通讯录中选择姓名来自动输入信息船用参数自动记录器
To augment the book and to bring it up to date where necessary, there are lectures handouts, available here as PDF files. 为了扩增书中内容并使之符合现实环境的变动,因此在必要之处提供课堂补充资料,在此以PDF文件呈现。
The examples you will find in this book are right up to date and reflect this change in style. 例子,你会发现这本书是对不断更新,反映在风格上的变化。
When I start to read a book, I tend to note down the starting date& time on the first page of the book. 当我开始阅读一本书时,我会在书的第一页上记录开始读的日期和时间。
Better still, you can book your marriage registration date online, as well as through our interactive voice response system. 你更可在网上或透过交互式话音回应系统预约排期结婚。
First, the book seller sends a confirmation of the order, along with the expected dispatch date. 首先,书商会发送订单的确认,以及期望的发货日期。
But don't book your date for the Oscars just yet.'Paranormal Activity'is abnormal. 但不要现在就预订你投资的影片的奥斯卡获奖日,《灵动:鬼影实录》是个反常之例。
Also, when I finish reading a book, I note down the finishing date& time with short comments on the last page of the book. 同时,读完这本书后,我会把时间和日期连同简短心得记录在书的最后一页上。
The foundling's putative father; the reputed ( or purported) author of the book; the supposed date of birth. 这个弃婴的据说的父亲;传说中这本书的作者;推断出来的出生日期。